Sisustus ja koti

Viherkasveilla kevättä kotiin ja kilpipiilean jakaminen


  1. Outi

    Mehikasvin onnistuin tapani mukaan tappamaan, mutta vielä on joulukaktus ja pieni palmu elossa, joten minun mielestä aika hyvin menee kasveilla 😀
    Sinulla on niin ihanasti vihreää kotonasi! Ihanaa viikonloppua sinulle Maarit <3

    1. Maarit

      Eikös kaktukset kestä hyvin vaihtelevaakin hoitoa… Jos vain muistat sen, että usein liika kastelu tappaa kasvin ennemminkin kuin liika kuivuus, niin hyvin menee jatkossakin 🙂
      Valoisia kevätpäiviä sinulle Outi <3

  2. Sigrid

    It looks so beautiful dear Maarit. I love your green plants. We haven’t any plants in our loft, because I haven’t “a green thumb” (in german this is an idiom for having luck with plants). Also for our balcony I have to buy new plants every year. ?‍♀️
    Perhaps this year.
    Best regards and a big hug

    1. Maarit

      Thank you so much Sigrid. In Finland we have the same term ’green thumb’ but I don’t really understand the meaning of it as the plants grow themselves at our home. Only water but not too much and some ’food’ during the growthperiod, that’s it!
      I have to say that the redgreen plant on the black table is now hardly alive. My hubby didn’t give water to it when I was in Antibes, and now it’s still suffering…
      I do the same with terrace plants, new ones each year. But there is a reason for that, they would need a cool room for winter time and we do not have that, so have to buy too. But isn’t it so nice to start to think what to grow this year?
      Warm regards and a big hug,

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